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The Hanley Formula is a concentrated blend of equine specific essential amino acids.

The Hanley Formula contains high levels of all 10 Essential Amino Acids.

Find out more about how the Hanley Formula can help your horse or pony:

Building Up






Old Aged Friends




  • The Hanley Formula is an amazing supplement. We use it with the young horses for weight gain and top line. It is great for building lean body mass. For our top eventers the amino acids are crucial to maintaining them at the top end of the sport, assisting with muscle recovery and metabolism.

    John Twomey
  • Michael and I have witnessed an amazing transformation on a yearling colt using the Hanley Formula. When 'Sid' arrived at our place early in December, he was severely underweight and had a huge worm burden. I immediately wormed him and started him on Hanley Formula along with muesli and chaffage. Six weeks later, he is a totally different horse, glossy coat, bright eyes, fat over his ribs, a great topline and he now spends a lot of time playing in his paddock because he feels so well. We also ended up having to rear an orphan foal at around the same time as 'Sid' arrived, so I started the foal on the Hanley Formula along with his hard feed and again amazing results. You would never pick the foal as an orphan. He is at the same height and weight that I would expect a foal on its own mother to be. I am totally sold on the Hanley Formula and I am now using it on all our young horses. I would recommend the Hanley Formula to anyone with horses. 'Fabulous product.'

    Anna Miles
  • I found their coat, feet and awareness improved and I think it is one of the best things I have ever used. I thank you for the donation of the product.  I found it worked great on a sick foal I had as well.

    Keep up the great work.

    Western Meadows Unwanted Horses